Architectural Digest (AD) magazine has published our recent project The Sphinx in its online version. AD magazine is internationally known for its focus on interior design, architecture, home culture and decoration. The magazine selects the most impressive and innovative architectural projects to present to its wide audience of design professionals and aficionados.
This ambitious design for a villa on the north coast of Egypt has been recognized for its innovative approach, exploring the structural limits of the architectural cantilever. Inspired by the geometric shape of a sphinx, it consists of a design that connects a two-story, flat-roofed volume with a smaller floor raised approximately 15 meters in the air. A striking and challenging architectural feature, the cantilever is supported by a single concrete support less than 30 centimeters thick.
“Un lienzo en blanco es el sueño de todo arquitecto e interiorista. No siempre un cliente da el visto bueno a crear una vivienda ultramoderna, sin casi requisitos, en la que dar rienda suelta a la creatividad y explorar a fondo un concepto, un material o una forma. Pero, ¿qué pasa cuando los planetas se alinean y surge un proyecto así? Que el resultado es increíble. Lo demuestra el arquitecto valenciano Fran Silvestre, que tiene entre manos una villa en la costa norte de Egipto.”
You can keep reading the article here.