Exposición Arquitectura Reciente de Valencia 2017-2019
Fran Silvestre has recently been selected as a jury by direct choice of the participants for the vote of the Exposición Arquitectura Reciente de Valencia 2017-2018-2019, organized by the Colegio Territorial de Arquitectos de Valencia.
Ana Ábalos Ramos, Israel Alba Ramis, Ivan Cabrera i Fausto and Inés García Clariana have also participated as members of the jury, as well as the members of the CTAV Governing Board: Marina Sender Contell (President), Isabel Navarro Camallonga (Treasurer) and Carlos Salazar Fraile (Vocal of Culture).
The purpose of this is to publicize the professional quality of the latest projects carried out in the province of Valencia, through an exhibition and a catalog.