Lecture and exhibition for the COACM-Demarcation of Albacete
The architectural community has an appointment on February 15 at 7 p.m. at the Official College of Architects of Castilla la Mancha, Demarcation of Albacete C. Martínez Villena, 7, 02001 Albacete. Fran Silvestre will give a conference titled “Pensado a mano”, which will show an in-depth vision of the most representative works of the Fran Silvestre Arquitectos studio.
In addition, the COACM will have an exhibition that will accompany the conference and will last until March 13, where a selection of hand-made models will be presented that exemplify the conceptual materialization process of the Fran Silvestre Arquitectos studio.
The creative process carried out to materialize an idea in the studio of Fran Silvestre Arquitectos goes, first of all, through an intense and laborious exercise consisting of giving shape, with the hands, to models that, as defined by the renowned critic of architecture Philip Jodidio, it is an “unusual approach to new designs and a personal dedication to models as the main design tool, through which Fran Silvestre sometimes seems closer to sculptors such as the admired Alfaro than to older architects who cling to the sketch as their primary mode of expression”.
From the first stage, the result is pursued with precision, working with materials that allow the generation of straight and also curved shapes, which give rise to encounters and tangents, and which are shown as simple figures but which are highly complex from the point of view. of its conception. To quote another prestigious architecture critic, David Cohn, “Fran Silvestre is not an essentialist, in search of a lost and rooted authenticity, nor do we find him tuning into the divine harmonies of perfect geometric form under the light. His art, despite of its abstraction, it is more about the problem at hand, and how to create an environment for everyday life that lifts us out of the ordinary, toward a more complete and awakened sensual engagement with our surroundings.
In this exhibition, a set of hand-made pieces are exhibited that exemplify this exercise of conceptual materialization. Its production allows us to reach places that cannot be reached with the drawing and also provides clues to resolve certain aspects of the project and the construction phase itself. These creations are testament to a deep respect for the natural environment and topography.