Alfaro a Xàtiva: Diàleg amb la història
Next Friday, September 18th at 8 p.m., in the old convent of San Doménec in Xàtiva, will take place the inaguration of the exhibition Alfaro a Xàtiva: Diàleg amb la història, where some of the most recognized works by the Valencian artist will be distributed in the most representative enclaves of the historic center of the city, seeking to establish a dialogue between architecture of past eras with a minimalist sculpture.
The rotundity of the Gothic or the sobriety of the Renaissance, interspersed with the simplicity and slenderness of sculptures such as The Fountain, the Laocoonte or the Goethe sitting in the countryside of Rome.
The exhibition will be curated by Fran Silvestre and Pablo Camarasa and will run from September to December.